Top Reasons Why Mold is Growing in Your Shower
Even in the cleanest of homes, mold can appear seemingly overnight and create a dirty-looking bathroom. One of the most common places to find mold in your home is in the shower! This is not surprising considering the atmosphere that exists in most bathrooms. However, you must take steps to determine the cause of mold in your shower. Once you understand where the mold is coming from, you will be able to eliminate mold growth once and for all.
Why is there mold in my shower? Mold in the shower is most commonly caused by the perfect mixture of moisture and heat. The humid environment that is created by this deadly combination is ideal for the growth of mold. Unless you take steps to actively prevent mold in your shower, you are bound to experience this unpleasant phenomenon at one time or another.
Mold in your shower is not only frustrating but can also be quite embarrassing if it pops up while you have houseguests! Additionally, mold can cause health complications for individuals with sensitivities. In some cases, uncontrolled mold growth may even compromise the structural integrity of your home!
In this post, we will take a look at some of the most common causes of mold in the shower. We will share some tips for how to prevent future mold growth as well as how to eliminate the mold that has already invaded your bathroom.
Common Causes of Mold in The Shower
Everyone is frightened by the sight of mold in their homes, and rightly so! While mold can appear in virtually every area of your home, the most common place it grows is in your bathroom. More specifically, in the shower.
Mold is a type of fungus that reproduces through microscopic spores that are released into the air. It does not take much for these spores to take hold and begin their destruction. With the proper environment, mold can begin to grow within only 48 hours of landing on a suitable surface.
Moisture & Heat: The Deadly Combination
So, why is mold more prevalent in the bathroom than in other areas of the home? The answer is simple: moisture and heat. When provided with the ideal environment in which to thrive, mold spores quickly begin to take over your otherwise clean home. The bathroom has, by far, the highest moisture content in your home.
As a small, confined space, the bathroom is often not properly ventilated, especially considering the multiple hot showers that likely take place each day. Combine this excess moisture with the warm air and you have created the ideal home for mold growth.
Regardless of the type of shower that you have in your home, there are likely areas of the shower that allow for standing water long after you have moved on with your day. From shower benches to shelves and even children’s toys, these areas harbor the moisture mold spores need to succeed.
Preventing Mold From Growing in Your Shower
While you may not be able to influence the amount of moisture and humidity created by your warm showers or handwashing, there are several simple steps you can take to prevent mold growth.
Eliminate Excess Moisture From Your Bathroom
First, the primary way to prevent mold from growing in your shower is to eliminate excess moisture from your bathroom. If your bathroom is equipped with an exhaust fan, you must use this fan both during and after your showers each day. You should leave the exhaust fan turned on for a minimum of 15 minutes following the end of your shower.
If you do not have an exhaust fan, consider making this upgrade to your bathroom. If this is not a possibility in your situation, crack the window open to allow excess moisture to escape. Additionally, try to leave your bathroom door open as much as possible, especially in the hours following a shower or warm bath.
Another culprit for excess moisture is wet towels hanging in the bathroom. Water from these towels can add to the overall humidity in the bathroom and encourage mold growth in your shower. If your towel is excessively wet, choose to hang it in a more open area. Alternatively, select a towel rack that allows your towels to dry quickly.
Prevent Water From Accumulating on Surfaces
Any amount of standing water helps to create an ideal environment for mold growth in your shower. Fortunately, this is easily avoidable. Be careful to prevent water from accumulating on surfaces including your bathroom floor, countertops, or flat surfaces in the shower. Always use a clean, dry bath mat and dry any water before leaving the bathroom.
If you notice that there are areas of your shower that accumulate water, it may be wise to invest in a shower squeegee with which you can remove this buildup. Without standing water, your bathroom will have a less humid environment and not be ideal for the growth of mold.
Clean Your Bathroom Regularly
One of the most effective ways to prevent mold from growing in your shower is to clean your bathroom regularly. A thorough cleaning should be performed each week to prevent mold growth. This includes cleaning your bathroom floor, toilet, sink, countertop, and your shower using effective solutions.
If you notice mold during your weekly cleaning routine, make sure to take extra precautions including ventilating the area as you remove the mold. We will discuss several ways to remove mold from your shower later in this article.
Remove Mold at First Signs of Growth
We have all noticed mold beginning to form in the corners of our shower and shrugged it off to handle another day. While you may not be able to address the mold immediately, it is important to do so promptly. Failing to remove the mold while it is a controlled problem will result in further mold growth. If left untreated, the mold could spread to other areas of your bathroom or your home.
Is It Important to Remove Mold From the Bathroom?
Removing mold is not just an issue of aesthetics. While none of us wish to live in a dirty bathroom, mold can cause significant damage to both your health and your home if left untreated.
Mold Results in a Dirty-Looking Bathroom
Simply put, mold makes your bathroom look dirty. While you may not notice it after some time, we guarantee your houseguests will! Cleaning the mold in your shower is a fast and easy way to give your bathroom a fresh look while ensuring that you and your family are safe and healthy.
Mold Can Cause Health Complications for Certain Individuals
Mold is not beneficial to anyone’s health. However, for certain individuals, mold growth can lead to serious health complications. For the health of yourself, your family, and your guests, it is important to remove the mold that is beginning to grow in your shower.
Mold May Impact the Structural Integrity of Your Home
Finding mold in your shower may seem like no more than an issue of cleanliness. However, in some cases, mold growth in the shower may point to a much more serious issue! As mentioned previously, mold is the result of excessive moisture and humidity. While many sources of mold growth may be visible to you, others may be hidden behind shower walls.
When left untreated, mold in your shower may begin to grow behind the fixtures or appliances in your bathroom, impacting the structural integrity of your home. This will not only affect the safety of yourself and your family but will also impact the resale value of your house. (Another way to add great value to your home after removing the mold is to work with a local expert!)
How to Clean Mold in Your Bathroom
As we have already discussed, it is important to clean mold as soon as you notice its growth in your shower or bathroom. Fortunately, there are many solutions available that make this process streamlined and simple.
Household Mold Cleaning Solutions
If you caught the mold growth in its early stages, a household mold cleaning solution will likely suffice. There are many ways to clean mold in your shower using products such as Hydrogen Peroxide, distilled white vinegar, baking soda, salt, and more. When coupled with a stiff-bristled brush, these products work to effectively remove mold from the surface of your shower.
Chemical Mold Cleaning Solutions
In some cases, you may need to use a chemical mold cleaning solution. These products range from household staples such as bleach and Borax to specially formulated cleaning products. If the mold begins to grow out of control, you may need to use a high-powered scrubbing brush for the best results.
It is important to always take proper precautions such as wearing protective gear and ventilating the room as you clean. If you are unsure of the type of mold that is growing in your shower, it is best to consult a professional as black mold can cause serious damage to your health when disrupted.
Eliminate Shower Mold Once and For All!
Equipped with these helpful tips, we hope you can eliminate the mold in your shower once and for all!