Pests are a natural part of the cycle of life; however, they can harm your plants and spread diseases. From ants to roaches to bugs, pests are hard to get rid of. The problem is that many companies use toxic pesticides, which are bad for the environment and not safe for humans or your plants, to get rid of these pests. Fortunately, there are several all-natural home remedies to prevent pests from getting on your plants. And many of these natural methods are safe for humans, animals, and the environment.
If you are worried about the health and safety of your family, here are some of the natural ways to get rid of pests.
All-Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pests on Plants
Citrus Oil
Mix citrus oil, like lemon or orange oil, with water or alcohol. Spray the mixture on your plants, soil, and other areas where pests like to hide. They will have no choice but to leave. If you do not have citrus oils on hand at home, use vinegar or soapy water instead.
Baking Soda
Baking soda will rid your plants of cockroaches, ants, and other pests. Sprinkle some baking soda into an infested area and pour in some boiling water. The mixture will fizz and kill the pests.
Onion Juice
Make an all-natural pesticide for your garden using onion juice. First, get a couple of onion bulbs. Chop the bulbs, including the skin, and soak chopped onions in clean water for one week while covered. After one week, sift out the onion bits. Transfer the onion juice into a spray bottle, and apply to your plants to remove bugs and pests as needed.
Neem Oil
Neem oil can be used to repel a wide range of insects, including flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and others. Add a few drops of neem oil into your favorite dish soap for more effective action. Then take this mixture, and spray it on the plants you would like to protect.
Garlic is one of the most potent, all-natural insect repellents out there. To keep bugs away from your plants, chop garlic into small pieces and place them inside cloth bags or wooden boxes. You can also utilize a liquid garlic insect repellent. Mix concentrate with water and spray around plants and soil.
How to Keep Pests Out of Your Home
There are two different ways that pests can be prevented. The first is by using natural ways to prevent them from coming into the environment, and the second way is to ensure that they are not brought in at all.
“Removing pests will almost certainly have a boosting effect on your home’s value now and in the future,” comments Ruban Selvanayagam of UK ‘We Buy Any Home’ firm Property Solvers.
Pests typically enter from outside. Therefore, if you are going to build a garden, it is recommended that you do so at least ten feet away from your home. This will allow pests to be attracted to the lush greenery instead of your own house. Additionally, make sure to wear shoes when walking around the plants and wear heavy-duty nitrile gloves when you spray your plants from the outside. Close all cracks and holes on all windows and doors as well.
Additional Plants to Prevent Pests
Plants offer so many benefits, from providing food and air to adding beauty to your space. But did you know that certain plants also work for repelling insects? These are some plants that can be used to prevent various types of pests:
- Marigolds and nasturtiums are excellent for deterring cockroaches and other crawling insects.
- Dogfennel is not only a lovely addition to the flowerbeds of your garden but also serves as an effective insect repellent. The plant has an intensely strong yet pleasant fragrance that repels insects, many of which are harmful to your plants.
- To prevent mosquitos and other flying insects, place mature lemon balm plants around the outside of your window or door screens. The lemon balm leaves are also a natural repellent for many other kinds of insects.
- Sprinkle a mixture of peppermint oil and water around your garden’s perimeter to keep out other pests such as slugs. This will create a barrier that most pests don’t want to cross.
- Don’t underestimate the power of lavender as an insect repellent. While you may not think that fragrant plants are effective in repelling bugs, the truth is that they do work if used correctly and in small amounts!
A Clean Home Is the Best Natural Remedy for Pests
Keeping your home clean is imperative to prevent the build-up of pests. Removing clutter, pet food, and leftovers from the floor and table can help prevent ants, cockroaches, mice, and other pests from thriving in your home. Keeping an organized home will also benefit you by lowering your stress levels.
The truth is that no one wants to live in a filthy house. If you want to discourage unwanted visitors, make sure to clean up after yourself daily. In addition, using natural remedies is a great way to ensure that your family and pets are safe without harming the environment around you.