How to Secure Your Home Without An Alarm
You don’t have to invest in an expensive home alarm system to stay safe. Follow our essential guide to stay safe without breaking the bank.
Can you secure your home without an alarm? Yes! There are many ways to secure your home without an alarm including using smart lighting, getting a dog, using locks and bolts, and keeping valuables out of sight.
Your home security should be a top priority to keep you and your family safe. We’ve put together an essential guide to help you secure your home without an alarm.
Use Smart Lighting
Smart lighting can be used in a couple of different ways to keep your home safe.
1. Create the illusion you are home when you are not. You can purchase smart LED lights that can be controlled remotely from a tablet or computer. These can be used when you are out of town, at work, or stuck in traffic. You can also program the lights to change on schedule which can help throw burglars off as long as they don’t notice no one has entered the home for a couple of days. If you don’t want to invest in these lights, you could always opt for an outdoor light-sensing light that would automatically turn on at night.
2. The second option which you could use in combination with the first or on its own is to purchase motion-activated floodlights for outside your home. This will put a spotlight on anyone snooping around your property and that alone might keep intruders away. You can also put motion-activated lights indoors and deter burglars that way.
Get a Dog for Security
While most people think of German Shepherds or Rottweilers when they think of watchdogs, many other breeds of dogs can be just as effective at deterring burglars. Even small dogs like Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, and Dachshunds can be effective because they make a lot of noise and bark incessantly if they sense a stranger. According to an expert at Gold Years, any type of dog that is barking, whether big or small, could possibly be enough to sway a thief to target another home. Sometimes even a sign that says beware of dog or a bowl with the name “Killer” can be enough to keep the burglars away.
If you don’t want to invest in a four-legged friend just yet, there are many other options on the market. You can purchase a motion-activated electronic watchdog that emits a barking noise if you like the idea of still protecting your home with a canine.
Jam Rods Beneath Your Doorknobs
Jam long rods between your doorknob and the floor below. This prevents intruders from being able to open the door from the outside. These can be purchased, or you can make them yourself.
If you have sliding glass doors, or windows that slide open, insert broom handles or long pieces of wood along the track at the base of each door and window. This will make them impossible to open. Don’t do this on the door that you use to enter your home. You don’t want to lock yourself out!
Post Security System Signage
Just because you don’t have an actual security system installed, doesn’t mean the burglar has to know. You can use plaques, decals, and yard signs alerting bad guys to the presence of one. This budget-friendly DIY hack for protecting your home isn’t foolproof. Some career burglars who take the time to case out your home may call your bluff – and won’t win you any points in the yard décor department, but most burglars won’t bother if they think that your home is armed with a security alarm.
Lock and Secure Windows and Doors
This may seem like a no-brainer, but many homeowners neglect to take this most basic step in home protection (an estimated 40 percent of break-ins occur without the use of force). If you’re going to forgo an electronic security system, use those deadbolts, latch those windows tight and place a strong dowel or rod on the backtrack of your sliding glass doors if you have them. The takeaway here? Lock your windows and doors when they’re not in use, even when you’re home.
Keep Valuables Out of Sight
It’s important to not keep your valuables in sight where the burglars would have easy access to them. Keep outdoor valuables like bicycles or tools out of sight in a shed or garage or locked up. Indoors, use curtains or blinds to hide valuables. Don’t leave electronics, jewelry, cash, or important personal documents in plain sight. For your most valuable items, you can lock them away in a safe.
Another tip is to be discreet when you purchase a new valuable item. Don’t showboat or keep your new TV boxes around. Don’t keep the boxes near the window or just outside your house. It’s like announcing to the burglars that there is a bunch of new merchandise for them to peruse. Dispose of boxes immediately and in a discrete manner.
Reinforce Your Windows
Always lock your windows when you are not home, especially ground-level windows. If your windows do not already have locks, you can purchase latches online or at a home improvement store. You can also install safety glass, which makes the window harder to break. Metal bars are also an option for preventing someone from entering through your window, though these may be more expensive or difficult to install.
Leave Your Car in the Driveway
If you are leaving town for a significant amount of time, you may have thought of leaving your car in an airport parking lot. Another option is leaving your car in your driveway. While this may provide a target for auto theft and vandalism, it can also add a layer of home security by automatically warding off burglars who assume that a parked car in the driveway means that someone is home.
And then there are online booking services like JustPark that enable traveling homeowners to temporarily rent out their driveways to those who desperately need them (i.e. the guy who works down the street who you always see circling the neighborhood in search of non-metered street parking). Not only does JustPark provide absentee homeowners with a source of additional income, but also provides the “added feeling of security that having a car in an empty driveway brings.”
Keep Spare Keys in a Lockbox
Some people hide their spare keys under a doormat or planter, behind pottery, or somewhere else that might be easy for a burglar to find. Some homeowners insurance companies may refuse coverage if there are no signs of forced entry. The solution to this is a combination lockbox. You can place it in an inconspicuous spot on your house and keep a key there. Make sure to screw the box on tightly so the burglar cannot pry the box off and take the whole box with them.
Don’t Keep the Garage Opener in Your Car
A thief who breaks into your car will be able to grab the remote and easily be able to access your garage and home. This isn’t just a problem when your car is parked in your driveway since your registration can give the burglar your address.
So get rid of the remote and instead consider getting a keychain remote. This way you can easily take it with you wherever you go and not risk leaving it in your car.
Have Someone Pick Up Your Mail
An overflowing mailbox is a clear sign that you are not home. Have a neighbor pick up your mail for you while you are away so you do not give off the signal that you are gone. Make sure that your modern brick mailbox does not overflow while you are away since that will make it more likely that a burglar will notice and try to break in.
Lockdown Your Wi-Fi Network
Your home wireless network is a doorway to your personal and financial information. And if you use home automation, it can also make your house vulnerable to a break-in. If your Wi-Fi network is connected to smart home gadgets or your security system, it could give criminals direct access to your home.
Do the following to ensure your Wi-Fi stays safe:
- Secure your wireless router.
- Enable WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WPA2 encryption.
- Rename and hide your home network.
- Use a firewall.
- Install antivirus and anti-malware protection.
- Create strong passwords.
Eliminate Hiding Spaces
Your house may look good with lots of trees and shrubs, but they also give burglars a handy place to hide. Trim down trees and plants close to your home that could be used for cover. Go for smaller flowers and bushes instead. If you have trees near windows, either remove them or reinforce those windows with extra security.
And don’t neglect the rest of your home’s exterior—use these best practices to keep things locked up tight. Always put away stools and ladders. Lock gates, sheds, and other outdoor buildings. Don’t tempt burglars by leaving valuable goods on display in the yard. While these tips can go a long way in preventing burglars, the most effective way to protect your home is by working with a professional surveillance camera installation company. These experts will ensure that your home is protected from every angle.
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