How to Organize Your Home After Moving In
The process of moving is time-consuming and stressful for everyone. As we are all so tied up in making sure that the move into your new home is quick, it can cause pain later, when you can’t find your tools or beloved kitchenware set. So, how can you make this process of moving into your new home organized? Here are our tips for how to organize your new home after moving in:
- Plan Each Environment
- Sort Boxes By Room
- Set Priorities
- Clean By Room
- Put Things in their Places
- Eliminate the Unnecessary
- Have a Survival Kit
So now that you have an idea of how to organize your new home after moving in, let’s examine each of these tips in greater detail and the importance of planning. So keep reading to find this out and more!
Understand the Importance of Planning in the Organization
Planning is essential to make this step less tiring for residents. The organization involves difficult activities such as getting self storage in your local area to keep less-used items to free-up space in the house for necessary things. It is necessary to do sorting, pack the objects, prepare the transport, and then arrive at the other property. Here are some benefits of planning your move in advance to avoid further inconvenience!
The organization is essential to save time. After all, if you have all the steps planned, several mistakes are avoided when packing all your belongings. With this, you can save time and perform tasks more safely. When arriving at the new house, the work continues, with the boxes that are scattered everywhere.
In some cases, moving from one home to another can become a lengthy process. That’s because you have to take everything out of place to put it in the new property and then store it again in the correct place. The tasks only end when the decoration is ready, and the house looks like its owners.
Better Decisions
With advance planning for your move, several initiatives can be taken before loading the furniture onto the truck. The process becomes more dynamic and agile, and wear is reduced. Try to get to know the space of the new house to take only what you will occupy in the new environment. It is possible that some furniture will be left behind.
In the case of buying a smaller apartment, it will be necessary to practice detachment and get rid of certain objects. Do a sorting before starting to pack the boxes and separate everything that will be discarded. Organize unused items for donation and put equipment that needs repair in one place.
Agility In Transport
You’ll be able to guarantee quick transport for your furniture and fixtures if you plan your move in advance. By correctly organizing the boxes and recording what is inside them, whoever loads the truck will be careful not to damage the items. In view of this, you avoid unexpected losses and unpleasant surprises.
Pay attention to the rules if you are moving into a condo, and be prepared so that nothing delays transportation or gets in the way of arrival at the location. Check with the landlord about the days of the week and the times when your move can be carried out without causing problems for the tenants. Check the height of the entrance gate and the garage.
Ease of Access
If you need to take your move to a building, for example, it is necessary to investigate the possibility of using the elevator. In certain buildings, there is only one access, and the manager needs to be notified. Talk to this professional about the best time to load the furniture and ask him to let the tenants know.
Once the furniture and boxes arrive at the new house, you will need to start organizing the new home. Pay attention to simplifying tasks and organizing so that boxes are grouped in a single environment. Monitor the unloading of the truck and show the places where furniture and objects should be placed.
Speed of Unpacking
The organization provides greater agility when removing the boxed objects and utensils. This task is just the beginning of immense work that will need to be carried out by the resident. Try to unbox the items in sequence according to the rooms where they will be placed. Boxes need to be directed and identified for the right accommodation.
Record in the box the information of the environment to which it belongs and should be destined. Write down what was put inside all the boxes to avoid future inconvenience. Create a color system according to the part of the house, stick labels, or pass brushes with different colors. Write on them for porters to deposit in the reference rooms.
Additionally, good planning is important to have more security when unpacking items. If you record what was accommodated inside each box, you will know exactly where the crockery, glass objects, utensils need care for handling, etc. Therefore, you can be careful not to break the items and suffer damage.
Tips for Organizing Your New Home After Moving In
Even if it takes months to get everything in order, your new home won’t look like a war zone, with boxes scattered everywhere. It is also essential to clean all cupboards, shelves, racks, and drawers before starting to store. See below for tips to get rid of the art of post-move-home organization!
1. Plan Each Environment
Make a plan for each environment and organize the items according to each space. Thoroughly evaluate the spaces to place the furniture in the ideal position and the accessories in the proper place. You can look at the home plans of smart cities for exciting ideas. Think about where you will put the fine crockery, glasses, plastic pots, clothes for each family member, shoes, etc.
2. Sort the Boxes by Rooms
Coming across countless post-move boxes makes anyone stressed. However, the time is to be calm so that the organization of the new house is as efficient as possible. This organization must already begin together with the change itself; that is, when the carrier brings the objects into the house, organize them in the appropriate environments. That’s why it’s so important to label everything during packaging. If you prefer to tidy up the new house little by little to make it look just like you, another way to organize a residential move is to put all the boxes in a single room, instead of each one in your room, and pick one up at a time, and saving the contents in their respective places.
It is interesting to separate the boxes by room and categorize the tasks that must be performed. Divide activities in an organized way and prevent them from becoming repetitive. You can choose to finish one accommodation at a time or one category and move on to the next until the service is completely finished.
3. Set Priorities
It is essential to list the order in which the environments will be arranged. As nobody lives without clothes, the first step is to organize the closets. The logical sequence is to go to the kitchen, as it is there that you will find some essential items for the functioning of a house. Set plausible goals for organizing closets.
The plan needs to be completed to be noted in a diary. Insert steps such as tidying up wardrobes, putting furniture in the right place, putting away groceries, etc. Oh, and never forget the basic rule: start, finish! Only change your environment when you have completely tidied up the previous one. Strive to comply with the plan.
4. Clean by Room
A good cleaning is crucial after the move is made. Clean up the room before starting to open the boxes and put the furniture in its place. This will facilitate and speed up the other processes as long as you clean the objects when placing them in their proper place. That way, the furniture will look good.
5. Put Things in their Places
Thoroughly analyze each space. You need to know exactly where you want to store everything. For example, which bedding will be in which closet? What about the finest crockery, plastic pots, and glasses? In the kitchen, frequently used utensils should be within reach. The same rule applies to the service area and the pantry.
Put all the dishes in the cupboards, even without washing them. After the house is organized comes the process of cleaning each item. Don’t forget to think about where you will put your clothes, which ones will be folded or hung. Have the patience to organize the shorts, t-shirts, button-up shirts, pants, and pieces that are used in everyday life.
6. Eliminate the Unnecessary
Unpacking the change is a good time to assess the importance of each object. If you’re the type who has a “feel” for getting rid of things, think about the advantages of having more space and putting an end to useless things which only occupy the closets. Keep your focus on the activities you need to do and how you plan to leave the house.
Don’t leave tasks unfinished, and don’t jump to other activities without finishing what you’ve already started. Use your cell phone to talk to people, but avoid spending many hours on social media if you want to get your house in order safely and quickly. Avoid procrastinating the execution of services and wasting time with prolonged conversations.
7. Have a Survival Kit
Moving from one property to another can take hours or days, depending on the resident’s disposition. For this reason, think about your family members and organize a survival kit that contains items to meet basic needs. Separate the personal hygiene products, sheets, documents, clothes, and the most used objects.
See how easy it is to organize the house after moving? That is why it is so essential to be patient during this process and leave as organized as possible to be easier to maintain later. Although chores can be tiring, you have to be willing to pack, unpack, clean and organize everything again in your new home. Hopefully, these tips will help you if you are to move! Thanks for reading!