Starting a business, being your own boss, and not having to answer to anyone is a dream that a lot of people have. While the benefits of self-employment seem too good to pass up, it certainly doesn’t come without its fair share of challenges, hardships, and hurdles to jump over. It is estimated that most businesses don’t last the first 5 years, but this doesn’t have to be the case for you.
With the proper knowledge and understanding, starting a one-man business is not as far off as you might think. All you need is to know the fundamentals of starting an HVAC Business and what things to avoid when starting a business of your own. That’s why we have taken the time to provide this guide:
Starting A One Man HVAC Business: Everything You Need To Know.
Here is a brief overview of the main things you need to know about for starting a one-man HVAC business:
Local Laws & Proper Licenses For Running An HVAC Business
Administrative Expertise or Assistance For Running An HVAC Business
Insurance & Registration For Your HVAC Business
Pricing Strategy & Business Plan For Your HVAC Business
Niche & Marketing Analysis For Your HVAC Business
Customer Relationship Strategy For Your HVAC Business
New Business Technology For Your HVAC Business
Marketing & Communications Strategy For Your HVAC Business
Local Laws & Proper Licenses For Running An HVAC Business
When it comes to installing HVAC systems, there are a lot of regulations depending on what state you are planning to do business in. Most states require that you have the proper license before working in this kind of industry.
If you are planning on starting your business in Oklahoma, it is good to note that a contractor working with HVAC is required to be licensed by the state. The Oklahoma Construction Industries Board is responsible for handing out these types of licenses, but there are other kinds of licenses available there as well.
For you to be able to take the exam, you have to provide proof that you have had experience in HVAC for at least four years. In addition to that, you need to be able to show proof of a $5,000 surety bond and general liability insurance.
Administrative Expertise or Assistance For Running An HVAC Business
Once the foundation has been laid by getting your licenses in order, the next step is to think practically about how your new HVAC business will operate.
Will you be doing all of the work exclusively on your own? Do you want to expand your business over time? Will you eventually start hiring other employees to help you as you expand? These are all important questions to be asked as you pursue starting your own business.
Another good thing to do is assess your weaknesses as you are starting up your business. If you lack people skills, administrative skills, or organizational skills, it might be a good idea to hire additional help or even partner with someone else to help complement your strengths and better the business overall.
It is crucial that on one end of the coin, a person has the technical expertise to handle the installations and repairs, while on the other side there is someone who knows how to manage the bookkeeping and customer relationship side of things.
Take some time to think through what your role is during this phase of the startup.
Insurance & Registration For Your HVAC Business
You are probably raring to go to start the journey of self-employment, but you need to take the proper steps to ensure that your business is legitimate before you begin.
Investing in updating your contact information, getting a name for your business, getting a trade license, and getting a business license along with registration, are all things that need to be done well ahead of time.
You don’t want to be a few months into running your business before you find out one of these things has been left out, so take the time to do these things well so that you are set up for success.
Pricing Strategy & Business Plan For Your HVAC Business
The cost of starting an HVAC business won’t be the same for everyone because of the size of the market, where your business will be, how much the start-up costs are, and what the supply or the demand will be.
Understanding what your starting budget is, how much you need to earn a month to break even, what your pricing strategy is and how much you need to make to even start getting paid is crucial information to have before you even come close to your business.
Niche & Marketing Analysis For Your HVAC Business
Getting clients for your business is quite a bit more challenging than a lot of new business owners realize. In the HVAC business, there is a whole lot of competition for residential HVAC jobs. This means homeowners are willing to overlook licensing to get a cheaper job if that’s what they have to do.
Instead of going the most obvious route, take some time to get to know your market. What are the needs in your community? Are there any holes in your community when it comes to installing or repairing HVAC units? Doing the proper research to assess the best possible business strategy will never be a regret for a new business owner.
Customer Relationship Strategy For Your HVAC Business
One of the most overlooked areas for any business start-up can potentially be customer service. Putting a strong emphasis on customer service is a crucial part of setting your business apart from the other competitors in your area.
In fact, instead of being an afterthought or low priority, customer service should be the number one priority for your business.
An easy way to keep customer service at the top of your priority list is to be extremely intentional with hiring the right people to be a part of your team. Few things can bring your customer service rating spiraling downwards more than salty team members who don’t speak to the clients with respect.
Your entire team needs to be ready to offer any of your clients’ compassion, high-quality service, and even empathy. If this is taken care of from the very beginning, you shouldn’t have any problems seeing organic growth in your company.
New Business Technology For Your HVAC Business
An un-organized business is a failing business. Starting an HVAC business means that you need to be prepared when it comes to utilizing today’s technologies to keep your client’s information safe, in order, and easily accessible.
A strong customer relationship management tool comes in handy when needing to accomplish these tasks, so be sure and take a good amount of time to research the best ones out there today before putting legs on your business.
While you might be able to “fake it till you make it” to a certain degree, your client’s valuable information is not something that you want to gamble with. The result could be a lot of heartaches, loss of clients, and ultimately, the loss of a lot of money.
Marketing & Communications Strategy For Your HVAC Business
A lot of first-time business owners think that a client base will magically appear after just a few months. The reality is that it takes a lot of intentional work to market yourself to the surrounding area.
One of the biggest ways you can do this is by making sure your customer service skills are on point. When a client is pleased with the work you have done for them, they are going to refer your company to the next person who asks them. This is by far one of the best methods for getting more clients.
On top of that, you can take advantage of some of the tools that are readily available to you by making sure you have a strong website where are all of your services are listed, an updated Facebook Business Page, and even strategically planned email campaigns.
Whatever resources you have available to you should be used in your first efforts for the building up of a strong and reliable client base for your HVAC company. Even if that means texting everyone in your contact list to let them know about your new business.
The Two Things To Avoid When Starting A One Man HVAC Business
If you don’t remember anything from this post, remember these two things to avoid when starting a one-man HVAC business:
1. Not Creating A Business Strategy
We cannot stress enough the importance of having a fleshed-out and thought-through plan and business strategy before doing anything else for your business. It could end up saving your business from a whole lot of unnecessary troubles in the long run, and set you up for growth.
2. Overspending Before You Have Counted The Costs
Understandably, you are excited to start your new Heat & Air business. Who wouldn’t be? Even if this is the case, it is still not an excuse to overspend before you have thought everything through. Overspending is never encouraged, but even if you do have to take out loans of some kind, you should still have a plan on how to pay them off and how long it will take.
We hope you have found this article helpful as you start on the exciting journey of self-employment!