Effective Ways To Get Rid of Fire Ants
Fire ants are small, but they can pack a punch. They will swarm you and sting you over and over again if they feel threatened. Not only do they bite for defense, but their stings are poisonous as well.
We have come up with 8 ways to effectively get rid of fire ants in and around your home. Some ways are easier than others. Each suggestion is effective, accessible, and easy to set up/use.
Fire ants are usually found in the southeastern United States but have been known to spread. If you find them in your yard or home, it is important to get rid of them before they reproduce and the population grows too large.
Symptoms of a Fire Ant Stinging
The symptoms of being stung by a fire ant include reddening of the skin at the site of the sting, itching or tingling around the area where you were bitten/stung, and a burning sensation. In some cases, you may also see a white pustule or blister form at the site of the sting, accompanied by fever and/or swelling in the area. If you are allergic to venom, your skin may swell, and you could have difficulty breathing. You may need to seek medical attention if stung by a fire ant or multiple fire ants.
8 Ways to Get Rid of Fire Ants (Ones That Actually Work)
1. Use Food for Bait in Jar
Some people try to get rid of fire ants by trying to poison them. This is difficult for obvious reasons. Poison does not stick well to the ants’ bodies. It can easily be ingested by plants or eaten by other animals. There are some poisons that are more likely than others to kill fire ants but the best way to get rid of them is to trap them so they cannot reproduce.
You can place food items in jars or bottles and place a small amount of Q-tips at the bottom for bait. You will want to poke holes into the lid so that the fire ants can come inside but not be able to leave. Once enough fire ants are inside, close the lid and keep the container outside. The ants will be unable to escape, but they can still eat the bait that was left for them. Once all of the ants are gone, you will need to get rid of both the ants and their eggs by either burning or throwing away your home’s infested items (clothing, furniture, bedding, etc.). Colony elimination methods such as these can take time and be rather difficult to accomplish.
2. Get Rid of the Queen
You will not be able to get rid of all of the ants at once when you decide to use this method. To do so, you will need a bucketful of soapy water. Chlorine bleach can be added to the water for extra protection. Once you have all of the necessary supplies, you will need to locate an anthill or fire ant mound.
Once you find an anthill, prepare your bucket of soapy water and pour it onto the mound until it is covered in suds. Leave this solution to sit for at least 8 hours so that the ants have enough time to carry their queen away from the mound.
Before you are ready to dispose of the solution, poke holes in the bottom so that all of the water can drain out. You may need to repeat this step several times until all of the ants are dead and gone.
3. Make Fire Ant Bait
The best way to get rid of fire ants is by using ant bait. This method will eliminate the problem over time because it targets the entire colony rather than specific ants or eggs. You can make this bait yourself or purchase an already-made version online.
You will need a bucketful of soapy water and the ingredients that are specifically listed on whatever brand of ant bait you choose to use. Once you have put together your homemade bait, pour it into bottles or jars and place them along the trails that lead up to your home’s foundation. If possible, try placing these traps in direct sunlight for maximum efficiency.
4. Use Vinegar
Fire ants do not like vinegar at all, so if you use it around your home you will notice that there are fewer of them. Vinegar is also an affordable option, which makes it a great solution for those on a tight budget.
Mix one part water with 20 parts of apple cider vinegar and pour this mixture into spray bottles. Once you have all of the necessary supplies, you can begin spraying down any anthills or mounds that you find in your yard or near your home’s foundation. If possible, try to treat these mounds at night since the ants are less active during this time period.
5. Beer Trap Solution
If you want to get rid of fire ants without using harmful chemicals, then a simple beer trap may do the trick. You will need an empty 2-liter soda bottle, some cooking oil or soy sauce, and some sugar or pancake syrup.
Pour the cooking oil at the bottom of the 2-liter bottle, followed by either your sugar or pancake syrup in order to attract the ants. Add in some beer (don’t be tempted to add in too much) and then seal off the bottle with its cap. Place this trap near fire ant mounds or trails that lead up to your home’s foundation (you will likely need many traps). Once all of these ants are dead, dispose of their bodies outside away from your property.
6. Try Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance that can be used around the home to get rid of fire ants. Once the ants come into contact with this powdery substance, they will die or stop reproducing immediately. This method is considered organic since you are not putting any harmful chemicals into your yard or near your home’s foundation.
You can purchase diatomaceous earth online or at most hardware stores/home improvement stores. Simply sprinkle this powder onto fire ant mounds and trails to kill off these winged pests. You may need to repeat this process several times until all of the ants are dead, but it certainly beats using harsh chemicals that could end up hurting your pets, family members, or other animals that accidentally ingest them.
7. Borax Solution for Fire Ants
One way to get rid of fire ants is by killing both the fire ants and their queen with a borax solution. Borax is a natural product that can be found at most stores or home improvement centers, although you may need to purchase it online.
If you want to get rid of the fire ants living in your yard without using harsh chemicals, try making this borax solution. Combine one part water with three parts borax (food grade if possible) and stir well until the powder is completely dissolved. Once all of the ingredients are combined, pour this solution into spray bottles to distribute throughout your yard whenever you see an ant colony emerge. This process should kill both the worker ants and their queen; however, it will take about 10 days for these ants to die off completely after treatment.
8. Use Household Items
If you are on a budget, but still want to get rid of fire ants without spending too much (or any) money at all, then you should consider using household items that will kill these pests. For example, if you happen to spill some laundry detergent onto an anthill or near your home’s foundation, the ants will immediately begin ingesting it and eventually die off.
Similarly, baby powder can also be used around home since it’s deadly to these small creatures. Simply pour this substance into areas where fire ants are living or create trails up toward your home’s foundation so they will come into contact with it. Yet another inexpensive option is to use diluted dish soap which has similar effects as a baby powder when ingested by these ants.
To effectively get rid of fire ants without spending a lot of money, try using household items like baby powder or diluted dish soap which will kill off these creatures after they ingest it. Also, carefully clean up any spilled laundry detergent to ensure no one accidentally ingests this harmful chemical.
Get Rid of Fire Ants Safely
By following the above methods listed in this article, you should have no trouble getting rid of all of your fire ant problems quickly and easily with minimum expense. Just be sure to do your research on each product before using them. Some can be dangerous if ingested or inhaled by children or pets who may unintentionally come into contact with them. Also, be sure to consult an expert if any fire ant colony does not disappear after trying out one of the above solutions!