Four Myths About Salt Water Pools
Saltwater pools have gained so much popularity in the past few decades that they are now the standard way to sanitize your pool! Since the technology has been around for about four decades, so many people prefer sanitizing their pools using a salt system over the traditional chlorine method because of their significant benefits.
However, there are still many misconceptions about saltwater pools.
Myth #1: Salt Will Hurt Pool Equipment & Cause Corrosion
One of the most common myths about salt water pools is that they are corrosive. That is simply not true. Modern salt pools do not have high enough salt levels to corrode pool-grade materials or equipment.
People hear “saltwater” and think of the ocean, but the salinity of a “salt pool” isn’t even comparable. The salt level in a saltwater pool is so low that it is very similar in composition to freshwater. The general idea is that the water in a saltwater pool will not corrode your pool components and equipment because they are made to withstand the chlorinated environment of pools- and if chlorine, a much harsher chemical, doesn’t corrode your equipment, the low salinity of a saltwater pool’s water will not corrode it either.
There are a number of reasons that myth came into being. Many parts of the pool industry had a vested interest in selling chlorine & regular service, so historically there was resistance to the technology. Regarding the equipment itself, the old technology of some of the earliest chlorine generators that were first developed in the 1970s used extremely high salt levels- and that technology is outdated and not the same as modern equipment.
Every major pool equipment manufacturer makes salt systems, and according to Pool & Spa News, 70% of new pools in the US were salt pools. Salt systems have a long proven history and have in fact become the standard in pool care. You can rest assured that your pool will be free of corrosion and will stay beautiful with the proper upkeep.
Myth #2: Salt Systems Require A Lot of Maintenance
This is simply not true. Saltwater systems are incredibly easy to care for and eliminate the main source of pool hassle – the manual chemical maintenance of chlorine levels. They drastically reduce the time, money, and effort you’d spend taking care of a chlorine pool, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require a bit of upkeep now and then.
Over time, it will be necessary to check the salinity levels as rain dilutes the pool. Like any pool, you’ll check your complete water chemistry like Free Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity, etc… Checking them at least once a week is a good recommendation to help you sustain the water quality and clarity. Depending on how regularly and how many bathers use the pool, the salt chlorinator will need seasonal adjustments so it makes the right amount of chlorine for the pool.
The unit is composed of two components – the control module and the cell. The salt cell will need replacement over time due to normal wear and tear, just like any piece of technology. Salt cells last between 3 and 8 years, depending on the brand and type you buy, and are usually about half the cost of the initial system. You can get a good idea of how long your salt cell will last by checking out the length of your warranty- that will give you a good idea of how long it’ll be before you need to replace your salt cell.
So, there’s still a bit of work needed to keep the pool system operating optimally, but it’s no longer a daily or weekly chore. You can consult your local saltwater pool experts to learn more about warranties and upkeep.
Myth #3: It’s Difficult to Switch From Chlorine to Saltwater
This is more of an assumption, and it’s false. Pool owners who’ve been using the traditional sanitization process of adding chlorine to their pools are usually amazed at how easy it was switching to a salt system.
The transition is relatively straightforward and hassle-free. All you’ll essentially have to do is add the salt chlorinator to your pool, add your bags of salt to the water and let it run for 24 hours. Adding the system is easy enough that many people can actually install it themselves in under an hour, but if you choose this route, make sure it won’t reduce or void your warranty.
Another similar myth is that you’ll have to drain your pool when you switch from chlorine to saltwater. This also is not true. The salt system works with your existing equipment, and you don’t even have to buy the same brand salt system as your existing pumps or filters! You just simply need to install the system and add your salt.
Myth #4: My Pool Will Taste Like the Ocean
Not true. Most people can’t taste any salt in a saltwater pool. The ocean itself has a salt level of 35,000 ppm- a saltwater pool has only around 3,000 ppm. As mentioned above, that is much closer to freshwater than what most people think of when they hear “saltwater”. Since most people can taste salt down to 4,500 ppm; that means that the salt level is too low to be able to
be tasted.
Though the term saltwater can conjure up mental images of saltwater from the ocean, it’s not at all the same. It isn’t abrasive and won’t dry out your skin, either. Pool water treated using a saltwater system feels silky smooth and has a more luxurious feeling than traditional chlorine pool water.
In Closing
Salt pools are a great alternative to a traditional chlorine process of sanitation. With the proper upkeep, you can save time and money on your pool maintenance and spend more time enjoying your pool all season long! So, if you want to install a saltwater pool or upgrade your current system, consider contacting your local aqua pool builders for expert guidance and support.