Why Install a Home Water Filtration System?
Having a water filtration system or alkaline water machine, in a home dispels many concerns regarding tap water safety and purity. The market is flooded with a multitude of water filters, each capable of treating certain factors or cleaning out specific components. Point-of-entry filtration systems are probably the most convenient means of providing purified water directly to your sink and the entire house.
Many whole house filtration systems provide point-of-entry filtration, and there is a multitude of ways in which water gets cleaned. A lot of advantages can be gleaned from implementing a home filtration system as well as a few setbacks.
Benefits of Integrating a Home Filtration System
Water has many uses in a home, not just drinking, and a house water filter deals with issues we may not have thought of until they made themselves known. Poor quality water can affect certain appliances and having water cleaner beforehand is an option.
Convenient All-In-One Solution
A home water filter offers peace of mind as it can be used on the entire home water source, and supplies clean water at every tap or showerhead. Water needed for cleaning or cooking is thus treated before it can be used. This diminishes the need for separate water filters at other outlets around the home.
Improves Smell and Taste
Each water source comes with varying quality. Some can influence taste and smell that can be improved with the use of a home filtration system. Better smell and taste are maybe the most essential feature many want when investing in any filtration system.
Cleans Out Unwanted Components
Even water provided by the city may contain some substances as it arrives at your tap. Chlorine is one such substance and as it is used in cleaning facilities it’s more likely that higher concentrations will still remain in the water. It affects smell and taste, and it can cause allergic reactions or irritate the skin, throat, and nasal canal.
A simple single-layer activated charcoal filter can take out a high percentage of chlorine, rendering the water safer for use. Another option is KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) to reduce or capture chlorine, offering a 99.99% reduction in some cases.
Fluoride has been added to tap water for dental health benefits, but too much exposure to it is not beneficial. And since there is no choice to opt-out of it from the sources themselves, using home water filtration is the alternative.
Toxic Substances
Heavy metals make their way into water sources from either damaged pipes or due to man-made waste. Lead is the most feared heavy metal that can permeate into the water from old damaged pipes. Oftentimes the city either doesn’t know exactly where a damaged pipe might be or there is no possibility of updating the entire water infrastructure. This means that it’s mostly up to the consumer to find ways of cleaning out their water, most likely using a water filtration system.
Toxic substances such as fertilizers or pesticides from the agricultural sector can seep into water sources and not be completely removed by water treatment facilities. This is where a lot of water filter systems provide a wide range of options, some specifically geared to these kinds of pollutants.
Other water sources such as private wells definitely need some kind of filtration system if not multiple types layered one after the other. As such water sources that are not cared for by the municipality, testing quality is essential before choosing one filter over another. A sediment filter might be needed as a first layer, along with other filters to clean away organic contaminants.
Complex or simple layers of filtration can deal with both smaller contaminants like chlorine, limescale, fluoride, as well as bigger issues like metals, biological, and toxic components.
Easy To Maintain
Maintaining a house water filtration system is also quite easy as only one filter cartridge needs to be replaced. Entire home filtration systems come in a wide range capable of cleaning many different impurities and harmful elements. There is an option for any issue and with the right test to identify contaminants, they can provide fresh purified water.
Disadvantages of Home Water Filtration
Along with the multifaceted benefits derived from using a whole house water filtration system, some aspects might not be for everyone.
A major hindrance to buying home water filtration is the cost. These systems are not a cheap investment and can put a damper on plans to implement one. There are of course many alternatives that can meet the needs of each client, but extensive research needs to be undertaken to find the perfect fit.
On top of the actual product itself, plumbing fees are also necessary to properly install some of the more complex filter systems. Attempting to install it yourself may not offer the best results and could even damage some of its components.
Water Pressure
An additional device installed in line with the piped creates an extra barrier between the tap and the water flow. This, in some instances, can usher in its own set of issues. For one, clogs or undersized filters may bring a significant drop in water pressure that is sometimes not so easily resolved.
Figuring out the capacity of different water filters before buying one is an important step to take. Also knowing the maintenance process beforehand will ensure fewer clogs and blockages, especially if some extra filtration cartridges can be purchased as a contingency.
It Takes Up Space
Not all homes have the same layout and when it comes to investing in a water filter, space to accommodate it is one of the first things to figure out. There are a number of water filtration systems that can fit nicely into some smaller spaces. But others would have to be installed in specifically dedicated spaces.
A Choice For Every Need
Bigger households would benefit a lot from installing a whole house water filter as it will cover all points of use, including ones used for cleaning and showering. Picking the right water filter depends largely on the water quality in the area, as well as the source used. Municipal water supplies tend to be cleaner and require much less filtration and treatment than a private well might.
Pricing, capacity, and the number of contaminants it clears away will influence one’s buying choice. Fortunately, there are so many options available that there is a perfect water filtration system out there for every need.