Save Money on Home Heating Oil
When people find ways to enhance their home heating oil economy, they often get excited and try to find ways to get better at it. It is not only exciting but also an activity that is financially rewarding for many households. It’s because an average family spends more than $1,600 a year on fuel, which only shows plenty of margin for saving.
Here are eight tips that will help you cut hundreds of dollars off your annual fuel budget while making more environmentally pleasant choices on your way.
Buy More Fuel for Less
Fuel prices never stay the same for a long time. And this constant rise in fuel prices has made them quite expensive for some. So, it becomes only natural for you to think about ways of saving some money on fuel. But how do you do that?
There is an easy fix for your problem. With home oil delivery services, you get the advantage of buying more fuel for less. With just one phone call, oil delivery services like will bring the desired quantity of fuel to your doorsteps. Moreover, they will help you save your money by selling fuel to you at more affordable prices and help you save the fuel that your car burns when you are finding home heating oil for your home. Add this simple yet effective trick to your budget-saving endeavors, and soon you’ll realize that you are saving plenty of dollars every month.
Use a Smart Oil Gauge
There is a famous saying in the business world: what gets measured gets managed. A small oil gauge feeds you with the information about how much oil your home heating system is burning by the hour. Moreover, it can show you daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly the average fuel consumption your heating system needs. Track these patterns and find out when it needs the maximum amount of oil and requires a minimal amount of fuel to keep your home warm and cozy.
Additionally, it can alert you when your fuel tank is running low, so you can order home heating oil without any further delay and save a few more dollars with your delivery contractor.
Install and adjustable WiFi Thermostat
After installing a smart oil gauge in your home, you can start regulating your heating oil utilization throughout the day. You can note, for example, how much oil your home requires when no one is at home. According to the data you receive, you can lower the temperature during the day and find out how much oil it saves for you.
With few strategies, you may even find that you use more oil by adjusting the temperature – a smart gauge with an adjustable WiFi thermostat will provide you with this insight. Make sure you add it to your home and start saving more oil and money simultaneously.
Service Your HVAC System regularly
If you want to save your home heating system to burn less fuel and cozy up your place more effectively, make sure it runs as efficiently as possible. For this reason, serving your HVAC system becomes essential, and make sure you tune up your system at least twice a year.
Additionally, maintaining the system will ensure that it operates at its optimum level while producing as much heat as possible for every gallon of heating oil used by the system. Plus, when your system’s air filters are clean, air travels more freely through your place. And with a tune-up, you’re also taking a preventative maintenance measure, so you’re less likely to run into a problem in the middle of winter when you need it most.
Seal Faulty Doors
A simple yet effective fix like pasting foam tape around the edges of a door can seal off the door and stop the winter chill from getting inside of your home. Touch around the perimeter of your doors and feel from where the chilly winter winds are coming from.
Mostly, the bottom of the door is the entry point for the cold air that makes you shiver in the winter season. So, if this is the problem, that is encouraging your home heating system to burn extra fuel to keep your place warm and cozy. Sealing faulty doors and covering these cold air entry points will help keep your surroundings warm for extended periods, helping your heating system work more efficiently.
Cover up or Repair Faulty Windows
If you live in an old house, you will find plenty of places where heat from your home heating system can escape through windows. Here you can also use the trick mentioned above. Hover your hand near the window and feel the points from where the cold wind is entering your home. Cut the plastic according to the space, use double-stick space to secure the area, and then blow hot air with a dryer to shrink the plastic in place. You can also consider doing the same on any exterior french doors not in use during the winter.
Add or Repair Insulation in Your Home
Insulation is the substance that looks like a pink cotton candy-like that is filled inside your walls. It helps keep your house warm by keeping the hot air inside your home and hampers the entry of chill through the walls. It acts as a blanket for your home. Houses that people built before the mid-1900s usually never had insulation installed.
So, if this is the case with your place, you should consider getting a quote for insulation. You can also add blown-in insulation outside your home without even having to replace all the siding. Another effective way would be to add insulation by removing individual strips of siding or through tiny holes. This will not only help keep your home heating system burning less fuel but can also pay you dividends if you are planning on staying in your current home for a long while.
Shut-Off Unused Spaces
This fix is recommended especially for homes with forced hot air. All you have to do is close the vents in any unused rooms and close the doors of those rooms. However, make sure not to close off too many vents in one specific area of your house. This can create backpressure that could prove detrimental to your heating system. You can tell if you have too much pressure when your furnace filter gets dirty very quickly. If the filter is clean and you’re still experiencing problems, add a vent in an adjacent room (that would otherwise be shut off) to help even out the airflow.
To Sum it Up
There are many ways that you can implement to make oil heating at your home more budget-friendly. These tips mentioned above will help you in achieving that task. So make sure that you too start making significant changes with these simple yet effective tips.